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fam. we built a freaking house. 


like a whole house. complete with a floor, walls, a roof, trim, & a cute painted door. wow. we built a freaking house. <— anyways i’m still not over that my squad did that this week. proud to say the least. 


so! my job during this whole operation was to measure walls & cut trim for the inside of the house. i worked with my friend Sammy & he taught me how to measure, mark, cut & nail everything perfectly, down to the millimeter. 


at first i got kinda frustrated with what i thought was our boss being nit-picky. i felt like i couldn’t do any of it right. i didn’t understand why it mattered if trim was 93 1/2in. or 93 1/4in. all of the tiny details became a hassle that was weighing me down. 


then, the Lord in His character of teaching, reminding me why these little things were important. He used my frustration & turned it to gratitude. He reminded me of all the tiny details in my life that makes it work together so beautifully. 


things like my brother Josten encouraging me when i feed the chickens here. a slice of birthday cake from a house visit with Pat. hype music & dancing before we start work. laughing uncontrollably about farmers in team time. the wind in my face with the windows down in the bus. getting in the ocean fully clothed, just to be with my sisters. plants at the laundry mat. singing “santo, santo, santo”. laying on the beach with my toes in the sand & just staring up at all the beauty that God has to offer. 


one of my favorite quotes by mhn goes like this – 

“may you look at your life & see the beauty that God has placed there. Like little love notes, He’s continuously depositing pockets of grace.” 



friends, in this world that rushes us & pushes to go-go-go, don’t forget to step in & see the beauty in the little things. His hand is evident in every single one. His hand has been evident in all of these. There is so much more grace to be seen. 


you’ve got this. 

all my love 







3 responses to “the little things when building a big house.”

  1. I LOVE God’s little and bit post it notes??
    So excited you are in such a place to learn, experience and then bless others. Keep running that good race little sister. ??